LCF Hungary

Fun Languages Hungary Ltd.

About the company.

The first LCF Club language schools within the LCF Franchise group started their operations in the United Kingdom in 1985. Since then, their franchise system has become internationally recognized and widespread. The Hungarian representation of the company, LCF Kids Clubs Hungary, began its operations in 1993, pioneering the teaching of foreign languages in a franchise system for children aged 6 months to 14 years in Hungary.

Our task was to create a comprehensive corporate system for the company, allowing for centralized management of student data, teaching materials, and licensing-related information.

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Employees of LCF Kids Clubs Hungary used to manage student information, teaching materials, and other important data using Excel documents. Since this solution was extremely time-consuming, complex, and prone to errors, there was a need for a digitized solution that would allow all language schools within the company to easily manage information in one centralized location.

In addition to the comprehensive corporate system, we also created a new website connected to a CRM system. This website is attractive to children and provides useful information for parents as well.


We created a website for our client that meets modern technological and SEO requirements. Its attractive design perfectly aligns with the company's brand and offerings. The modern website is integrated with the ErdSoft CRM Core system, allowing the client to monitor all crucial business processes.

In addition to the website, a complete corporate system was developed. This system enables all schools to manage essential information regarding students, licenses, teaching materials, all in one centralized location.

The results.

Thanks to the new digitized system, employees at the language schools no longer need to maintain important information in Excel documents. The digitization has paid off, saving time for LCF Kids Clubs Hungary staff and minimizing the chance of errors. It allows all school data to be stored in one place.

The new website meets modern technological and SEO requirements, performing well in search engine result rankings. It attracts many new organic visitors to the site, allowing it not only to compete with rival websites but also to surpass them.

What people say


We are very grateful to the Erdsoft team, they´ve managed to achieve the nearly impossible! As a franchise system it is essential that the administration is kept up to date on our side, as well as on our franchise partners side. But it is also a fact that a completely different kind of administration is needed for the language schools than for us in the center. Bringing these together to work perfectly, with high user ergonomy and easy to use interface was not easy, but together in collaboration, thanks to Daniel Erdudac´s excellent organizational and his team´s work skills, it's been perfectly executed! Thank you!

Marta Jamrik
LCF Clubs Hungary
Executive Director, Master Franchise

Modernized digital corporate system to aid language education.

In addition to the complex and comprehensive corporate system, we created a new website connected to a CRM system. The website is designed to appeal to children and provides numerous useful pieces of information for parents.

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LCF Hungary
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